Wolfy was our dog for sixteen years. She came to us when our daughters were teenagers and stayed well past the time they had left for college and life. She would always be so happy to have them come home and could always recognize them. She especially loved Michie who I am sure has many stories to remember about Wolfy herself. This will be an interesting comparison when Michie comes home to see Wolfy as a kitty. At this point I am telling only my perspective on the story, yet that will be an important bit of proof when the girls come home to visit because Wolfy really reacted differently to both of them. Speaking of my father, he used to come visit every year and the same interesting way Wolfy really remembered him and was very happy for him to come. One of the more curious family visit stories is when Uncle Jason would come for thanksgiving he gave so much leftovers to Wolfy she always seemed to know when it was going to be Thanksgiving again, even before the actual day!
I was the one who took her for "walkies", oh yes she was the type of dog that could talk being half malmute, the other half was springer spaniel. After hurricane Iniki her mother got out and met up with her father, I knew the owners of her mother and got to watch the puppies grow up. When we brought her home she used to hide behind the washing machine. (Which is where I often see Wolfy kitty go) Well as her doggy self that only could last so long as she soon got too big to fit behind there. Back to the doggy speech Wolfy definitely used to say "I Love You!" She also would alert me as to the time for "walkies" and Peter for "food".
So how you may ask did she come back as a kitty? Three years ago her doggy body wore out she was able to take a slow walk on christmas day but the day after could not move, I had learned how to administer Reiki energy and kept my hands on her, essentially petting her and giving her Reiki which is actually the energy that is all around us. She left her doggy body in the night. Peter buried her in our back yard and we made a nice grave for her putting Lavender flowers around it. I began to "imagine I had an invisible dog and continued to take our walks. I realized now she could run as fast as she wanted without a leash and did not have to bother with fleas! We would take walks in the night especially on the full moons. We had since adopted another pet , our daughter's rabbit "Rosie" who lived in the house because at that time she only knew the house coming from a Honolulu apartment. Kyra moved to LA and we kept Rosie, so we loved Rosie very much by now and she was our pet. We seemed to end up taking care of our pets until they became very old and finally had to let go of their little old animal bodies.
When Rosie passed into the ether I had done hands on Reiki but I had to leave her to go to work so I sent Reiki to her. I had asked the guides if Rosie was still alive and my fingers kept responding "Yes" so when I came home I expected her to still be alive but actually the answer was yes because she was alive but not necessarily in her powerful little bunny body. We made her a nice little grave next to the garden where we had to cut down the very giant Mango tree. I felt so bad for that I wished for a baby tree and found two baby mango trees. I was so happy when they had purple leaves because that was the same as my mango tree had. Rosie was then able to go visit Kyra when ever she wanted, I could sometimes see her tucked under Kyra's parka in pictures of Kyra snowboarding.
So thus leaving us petless. Or were we? Actually our next door neighbor's young kitty had been visiting with Rosie. We would put her cage out over the grass, she learned to go out side and loved to eat the grass. Actually the cage was needed we thought to protect her, but the kitty would come and they would rub noses through the cage. So of course where there is a void, I began to pet the kitty after Rosie was gone. Slowly we became friends. She would come to visit and eventually sit on my lap while I pet her. One time she didn't come over so I went next door to look for her and she came limping up to me with her back leg hanging useless, she had hurt it badly. I sat with her with my hand on her leg for at least an hour a day, after a week or so she got better. That is how she first received Reiki.
Qi gong uses breath, physical movement, and mind imaging to direct the movement of Qi. Everyone can practice it and like any other ability you progress with practice. "I dao, Qi dao" means where the mind goes Qi follows. So say for example if you were petting your kitty you could ask them in your mind if they would like to receive qi, then if they do, you would imagine the energy flowing through the top of your head through and out your hands to be received by the kitty. Energy is good to be exchanged so you could ask the kitty to flow it back to you also. If your pet doesn't want it they will tell you by leaving or visa versa if they do you will have a loyal customer!
chapter 2
I am having a blink in the story because today was Dec 25, 2011 and I woke up to the happy sight of wolfy kitty running across the back of the yard right over her doggy grave. The night before on Christmas eve I heard a big noise in the street, luckily I went out to look at the stars and realized someone had thrown or dropped something big and broken glass with food in in as they drove by and wolfy and her sisters were out there right next to the street trying to eat what ever it was. Just awful! I had to get out the shovel and clean it up in the dark, my kitties could have gotten hurt by a car! That is the one drawback of having animals run free. That is why it was a relieving and happy sight to see her running in the back yard out my window this Christmas morning!
This day I also was playing in the garden and I looked down to my surprise I realized that I saw Wolfy's old tennis ball she used to play with just lying there right on the dirt next to the avocado tree! How did that get there? Then remembering last night, I see Wolfy kitty hanging out on the driveway next to the street. I just remembered how I used to get so upset with her because when she got off her rope she would go right there next to the road and dance around. I was worried about the cars and of course she would jump and run right in the street. So who is sitting right there on the edge of the street in the driveway? Wolfy kitty of course.
I am thinking of the thought of the Reiki and Qigong energies that are all around us and available to all of us be we plants or animals or rocks or mushrooms whatever we are! I was very surprised to find out that Wolfy actually came back to us as a cat and I think so was she! When I first realized it she was over six weeks old because she figured out to come visit us from next door where she was born. I recognized her realizing that she had the same markings as Wolfy when she was a dog and long fluffy hair. She just seemed to me to be Wolfy too. I remember when she first got on my lap and I was petting her, all of a sudden she began to puurrrrr but that is what startled her, the puurrrring! She sat up and looked around acting like "What was that!" It was so funny! I just petted her and explained that was what kitties did when they were happy and that now she was a kitten.
Now Wolfy is a grown cat and she is getting quite used to it. Enjoying her cat freedom to come and go as she pleases. So much so that sometimes I don't even see her one day and the next she comes in to watch TV with me and comes over to lay down next to me with her head on my leg. I let her do that once in a while because I am so happy she wants to be with me, then we have a reiki reiki exchange of energy as I pet her and she falls asleep. Thus making us remember. The energy is all around us and going through us. We are conduits by which the energies can flow from the sky through us to the earth and back from the earth through us to the sky. What a happy thought that is!
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