Sunday, August 17, 2014

Party in Paradise

    Some things that I imagined so long ago have now come into really happening in this dimension of life. Such as me swimming with the dolphins, I did this painting long time ago thinking that I was painting an imaginary self of me flying above the dolphins. Now that is exactly what I do when I get to visit with the real spinner dolphins, I swim and watch as they swim by, and I dive down under the water when they want to visit me and check me out. I can see them and feel their energies and I imagine they do the same with me. I love them so much and I imagine that they love me too..

    How about the children's book I wrote when my daughters were baby girls called "Party in Paradise", I imagined the baby girls out surfing with the Spinner dolphins and sea turtles and Monk Seals and even a shark who wanted "fish frosting " on his cake. They all came and had a party with the girls in the bay. Well now, when the Spinner Porpoises come in to the bay, the whole town it seems go out to "play" with them. The humans bring their little children on paddle boards and kayaks to see the dolphins. The dolphins bring their baby dolphins to show to the humans and everyone gets so happy, we all are having a "Party in Paradise"!